A different type of cube puzzle! You know those games that have you take all the pieces out of a box, then try to fit them back in a box in a cube shape? This isn't one of those. Instead, the surface of the puzzle is open, and the goal is not only to make a cube with your pieces, but to make a cube with specific colors showing on its faces. You start with several static pieces composed of blocks or spheres in "Tetris" like shapes and then try to manipulate and arrange them so that the solution hinted at on the puzzle cards is complete. Easier puzzle cards show all the colors that should be showing on one face, while harder puzzles are mostly white and only show a few colors. You'll have to think extra hard about where to place pieces so those colors will be in the right places I really like the design of this cube puzzle because the pieces are very easy to move around and arrange without completely dismantling your progress. Each puzzle has 80 different challenges.